Women's Ministry of the ELCA - Board
PRESIDENT: Sharon Johnson
SECRETARY: Sherry Downey
The St. Matthew Women's Ministry of the ELCA provides rewarding opportunities for all women of Saint Matthew by the Lake to work together, pray together, learn together, serve together, and support each other in their faith. The group meets every other month with a program or fun activity in addition to a short business meeting. Christian fellowship among women of all ages is fostered through devotionals and serving. Some of our projects include serving bereavement meals for families of church members, congregation outreach through our cards and visits to “Home Community Members,” and tying quilts for Lutheran World Relief. We provide financial support to all church missions and needs of the church. Christian fellowship and bonding are always at the forefront of our meetings and activities as we learn, play, and eat.
We welcome you to come, join and enjoy the fun and fellowship.