Hi everyone I’m Thor and I live with Nick, Caroline, Peter and Gemma. I am delighted to be a member of the St. Matthew by the Lake pet family. I was given the name Thor because when I was a mere pup, I tried to carry around toys that were larger than I was and sling them around like the mighty Thor of mythology would his big hammer. Then I grew up and decided brains, at least for me, were more important than brawn. You see, I love to be with people and sleeping alone in my own bed is, well lonely and boring. I try to sneak into Peter’s room and sleep with him when or if I can get away with it. I was almost successful one night but Caroline caught me. I made it all the way to Peter’s bed. Because I love people so much, I can relate to all those out there who are not able to see their favorite people during this pandemic and especially those who live by themselves. It is tough and I would love to just lay my head on your lap and be there for you. Although I can’t be there with you, there is someone who is with you all the time during this pandemic, before it started and will be with you when it is finally over. That someone is our Triune God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You and I are not alone at all, God is with us walking beside us, living inside and surrounding us with reminders of God’s presence through all of God’s beautiful creation.
Hi everyone I’m Princess and I live with Cheryl and Kent. I am delighted to be a member of the St. Matthew by the Lake pet family. I’m a member because Cheryl and Kent were kind enough to let me stay with them. You see, several years ago, I wondered into a group of wonderful youth from St. Matthew by the Lake and they saw that I needed a friend and a home. They put me in the back of a wonderful pastor’s truck without his knowledge (hint- it was the one before Pastor Colleen). One thing led to another and eventually it was decided that I could stay with Kent and Cheryl and their daughter Devyn (the one who really believed I needed a home). Kent and Cheryl really showed their love for me and now I get more love from Cheryl since she is working from home. As you can see from my picture, I have my very own place that I claim as my own when Kent is not sitting here. I feel really safe in this spot and it is really warm and comfy especially right after Kent gets up. Of course I keep this spot warm for Kent too. We take care of each other especially since Devyn has gone off to live on her own. As followers of Jesus Christ we all take care of each other. It’s one of the ways we show our love for one another and our love for God. We do all this because of what God has done for us through Christ Jesus.
Hi everyone I’m Annie and I live with Steve and Lee. I have been a member of the St. Matthew by the Lake pet family beginning with the day Steve and Lee joined St. Matthew by the Lake. You see, Steve and Lee adopted me back when they were living in the Chicago area. However, that is not where my story begins. When I was just puppy I lived in Texas and I was abandoned. My owners moved and left me tied to a tree. Neighbors gave me food and water and then the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) rescued me. I was actually featured on Animal Planet in 2009 and then transferred to Rover Rescue in Lee, Illinois. Steve drove 2 ½ hours to come and adopt me. That was a long time ago. I’ll be 12 years old later this year and dearly love Steve and Lee. During this pandemic I really love it that they are sheltering in place. I get to spend more time with them and I follow Steve everyone. You know we are called to follow Jesus too. And we find shelter in God who is our refuge and our strength. It says in Psalm 46:1-3 “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble with its tumult.” I’m sure many of us are feeling that the earth has changed, our lives are trembling and it seems that there are waters roaring and foaming all around us. This pandemic can be terrifying. I hope that when you are feeling terrified or just a little worried you will give your fear and your feelings up to God and let God carry that heavy load. It makes things so much easier.
AuthorPastor Colleen Archives
November 2020
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