My name is Gracie and I believe I am one of the graces that has come from this pandemic. I live with Elizabeth and have brought grace to her and her home. I keep her company and make sure there is never a dull moment in her life these days. Of course, if you ask Elizabeth, she might tell you the grace goes both ways. She provides for me, loves me, takes me to obedience school and has a heart full of grace for me. I think we make a good team and don’t believe she would have taken me into her home if it weren’t for this COVID-19 pandemic. I have heard there are other pets being adopted during this time in order to relieve some of the tension and feelings of isolation caused by this pandemic. I believe adopting a dog or other pet during this pandemic is a grand idea. Pets, especially us dogs, are the best at demonstrating what it means to show grace and forgiveness. During these trying times we are thankful for the grace given us by God and we know the grace and forgiveness we show to one another is especially important. Humans and pets are all working and living so differently it is easy to forget or fail to do some of those things we have always remembered to do in the past. Who would have thought that the members and friends of St. Matthew by the Lake would be gathering outside of a perfectly sound building for worship on Sunday? I hear that outdoor worship service is a work in progress. Grace is especially needed as this service evolves and changes each week. God is Good All the time All the time, God is Good.
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Hi everyone, my current name is Shelly and I was adopted by Jane back in 2019. I have been a member of the St. Matthew by the Lake pet family for 6 years, since I was just a little kitten. My previous owner, was also a member of St. Matthew by the Lake and in 2019, he left this life for a better one. His name was Steve and he called me Tux. I am a Tortoise shell cat and the name Shelly does fit with who I am and my unique colors. All of us cats, humans and even dogs are unique. God made us all different in how we look and the different talents that we have. My biggest talent these days is to help Jane through this weird time and all the changes we have had to make due to this COVID-19 pandemic. I make her life more interesting and fun especially when she tries to knit or do anything at her desk. Just imagine all the fun a cat can have with yarn. We all have to use our imagination these days. Through our imagination we find unique ways to stay connected, to each other and to our Lord and Savior. Through it all I believe we discover talents and gifts God has given us that we previously did not realize we had.
The apostle Paul says in Romans 12:6-7 We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us; prophesy, in proportion to faith, ministry ,in ministering; the teacher, in teaching the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness. Hi everyone, my name is Porter, I live with Cheryl and Perley and I am a proud member of the St. Matthew by the Lake Pet Family.  Cheryl and Perley care for many of us pets and we are not all kitties. As you can see by my pick, I am a dog. Cheryl and Perley include dogs in their pet family just like St. Matthew by the Lake includes all kinds of pets and people in its family. God includes many more kinds of creatures and people in God’s family.  We are all sizes, shapes, and colors which makes for a truly amazing family of God.
I almost forgot, I am the chief guard dog here at my house which might surprise some of you if you look at my size.  I am not a big German Shepherd like Mia or Zoe but I can still stand guard for Cheryl and Perley.  It is not always our physical size that equips us for guard duty.  God gives strength to us all and our faith is what matters most especially since it too is a gift from God.  Jesus says in Matthew 17:20 “…For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” |
AuthorPastor Colleen Archives
November 2020
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